How do I switch my DNS resolvers away from Google?

Recently many users have had issues with Google's DNS resolution, which have really highlighted the need for a distributed internet! With that in mind, I wanted to write up a guide on how to update your DNS resolvers to a custom DNS provider. We'll use OpenDNS for this guide, but you can find several options here:

Temporary fix:

Don't know if you want to switch away from Google, but need to get back up and running? There's a file on your server called:


Which should look something like this:


If you change those lines to the OpenDNS resolver IPs:


Then you're done! That will direct all of your DNS resolution requests to OpenDNS until your next reboot, when resolv.conf is regenerated based on your networking configuration.

Permanent fix:

So how do you edit that networking configuration? Well the syntax is the same, but the location differs based on your distribution.


First check for this file and make changes here:


But on some older versions that won't exist, so you can just make changes here:


The current settings should look something like this:


You can update them with the OpenDNS resolvers to look like this:


Then restart networking with:

sudo systemctl restart network.service

Or simply reboot your Droplet to have those changes take effect.


This can all be managed at:


The current settings should look something like this:


You can update them with the OpenDNS resolvers to look like this:


Then restart networking with:

sudo systemctl restart network.service

Or simply reboot your Droplet to have those changes take effect.

I hope that's helpful! If you're having a DNS issue that changing your resolvers doesn't... ahem... resolve... Then please feel free to open a ticket so we can take a look:

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